The recent issue of the “Idaho Catholic Register” contains some editorials replying to criticism of the teachers union, including a group effort claiming a petition was signed by 94 supportive teachers (out of several thousand). There was also an interesting editorial where the author stated he was surprised to learn of such ‘political discourse’ present in the Register. Either this person never reads the Register or has a vastly different ruler for what is political.
As you read on, please do not jump to your own conclusion that I am attacking the teaching profession or teachers personally. Instead, I am questioning the judgment that supports an institution that works against most things Christian, let alone Catholic: Things that recently the
Here is a simple question: “What has the teacher’s union done for the kids?”
We know what they do for teachers: Ensuring a pregnant teacher has the right to kill her unborn child. Ensuring that gay teachers can marry and adopt children. Fighting to see that a human life can be created and then destroyed as long as it is labeled “embryonic stem cell research.”
It is perplexing that the union doesn’t even train teachers to be better teachers. Who pays when school is let out for all the teacher’s workshops? The taxpayer does. Shouldn’t the union use all those dues they collect to put together workshops on new advanced teaching methods that will help children learn better? Sadly, unions seem to fight against evaluation of teachers to see who could really use some training.
Wait, maybe I overlooked how unions help the kids: Ensuring kids never have to be offended by the presence of a bible in free-reading hour. Ensuring that kids will never have to view the oppressive 10 commandments anywhere in their community. Ensuring that kids can get contraception, have sex, and then have an abortion and their parents cannot even find out without a court order. Ensuring that kids will have all the behavior modification drugs they need without parental “interference.” Ensuring that kindergarten students are aware of their sexual orientation. Ensuring that kids get diversity training first, reading and math if there’s still time.
Now that I think about it, the unions certainly have the kids’ best interest in mind. NOT.
If you are confused that this represents the teacher’s union, then investigate what lobbying and organizational contribution is done with your union dues. Do you realize that supporting your union supports all these principles – even if you personally disagree with them? Do you further realize how at-odds the unions are with nearly every Catechism teaching. In fact, opposition to anything Christian is paramount the mission of liberalism and socialism. Don’t be fooled into thinking the unions care about their members or the kids. It’s about power.
Now let me ask a much deeper question: If the Vatican urges communion to be withheld from politicians who support these principles, and you financially support an organization (through your dues) that also supports these principles, should you be receiving communion without going to confession first? Don’t even sidestep the question by stating you don’t think the Pope has the right to withhold communion – because if in John 20:23 Christ can give the priest the power to withhold ABSOLUTION FOR SIN, don’t you think they have the right to withhold holy Eucharist?
I quote Ann Coulter as a example of how screwed up the education system has become as a result of liberal ideological hypocrisy,
“College campuses across the nation are installing foot baths to accommodate Muslims' daily bathing ritual, while surgically removing the Ten Commandments from every public space in
Now take a glimpse at how bad this will get. Author Dinesh D’Souza's book, "What’s So Great About Christianity" quoted liberal college professor and atheist philosopher Richard Rorty, who spent the last years of his life as a professor at
In closing, defense of the union brings along with it defense of many things that Jesus warned about. Do the unions do good things? Honestly, I don’t know because union liberalism has fought against good things like school system accountability and parental role in raising their children. I do not know of anything the teacher’s union has done that has benefited the children. Yes, most teachers are angels, but does the union initiate or even support these teacher’s initiatives? Show me. And even if you find something, show me how it negates everything else.